Fashion is Coming: Examining the costumes of “The Last of the Starks”

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Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones /

The Battle of Winterfell has concluded, and most of the characters on Game of Thrones are marching south to King’s Landing. With the characters headed toward (slightly) warmer weather and off the battlefield for a little while, their wardrobes have become far more interesting. Characters like Cersei and Daenerys are wearing color again, Tormund and Euron don outfits that highlight their personalities, and Brienne’s divergence from her typical wardrobe emphasizes a new side to her character. And of course, Missandei and Grey Worm showcase their unwavering faith in their queen through their accessories, making the end of this week’s episode that much harder to watch.

“The Last of the Starks” gives anyone with an interest in fashion plenty to talk about. Here are some of the more interesting pieces from this week.