Fashion is Coming: Examining the costumes of “The Last of the Starks”

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Sansa’s leather armor

Sansa Stark dons her leather armor dress again in “The Last of the Starks.” It’s interesting that she chooses this dress whenever she’s forced to interact with Daenerys. In the scene pictured above, the group is talking strategy, and as usual, the two women disagree, this time over how best to take King’s Landing. While Daenerys is eager to defeat Cersei and take the Iron Throne—in light of Jon is about to do, the faster she does it the better—Sansa feels that the dragon queen should allow her soldiers to rest and recover before setting sail.

It’s not surprising that the two don’t see eye to eye on the matter, as they seem determined to be at odds with one another over every decision. It’s also no mistake that Sansa’s leather armor is never covered by furs or dark lighting during these scenes. Even if the Night King was the bigger threat to humanity, Sansa views Daenerys as the true threat to the North. Wearing this outfit in her presence showcases that, as it highlights Sansa’s need to protect herself and her people from Daenerys.

We also know that Sansa likes to make her feelings about the queen known, and wearing this piece might also be a means of challenging Daenerys without outwardly defying her. Daenerys knows that the older Stark sister isn’t her biggest fan, and if we can see what Sansa’s saying through her clothing, surely the queen can as well.