Five predictions for Game of Thrones Episode 805

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1. Cleganebowl

Game of Thrones fans have been waiting far too long for the showdown between these two brothers. Famously known as Cleganebowl, we’re can rest pretty easy knowing that “Episode 805” will bring us the epic battle between the Mountain and the Hound.

After all, the Hound did mention he had some unfinished business to take care of as he left Winterfell with Arya by his side. There’s really only one major piece of business the Hound would have to attend to. Get hype.

We’ve seen how fire has played a negative role in the Hound’s life thanks to the Mountain shoving his face into it all those years ago. He’s carried this fear and hatred with him and is ready for payback. Bets on who will win, anyone?