Five predictions for Game of Thrones Episode 805

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2. Jaime and Cersei reunite

Seeing Jaime gallop down to King’s Landing after his night of passion with Brienne stung a bit. We always knew he’d eventually end up back in King’s Landing, but did he have to go and break Brienne’s heart first?

Maybe it’s so Jaime can keep her protected and far away from Cersei. That makes us feel a little better, right?

The question now is, is Jaime going to kill Cersei to save her from herself (and save others from her), or is he going to pledge his support to her? I think he’ll do both.

To start, I think that Jaime, Arya and the Hound will all slip into the Red Keep along with the other civilians currently flowing in. When Jaime sees Cersei again, I think his first instinct will be to save his sister and the mother of his dead children (and with another on the way, maybe). But after seeing Cersei stripped of everything she’s ever wanted, I think ultimately it will be Jaime that will show her mercy and take her life. It would fulfill the “Valonqar” theory that Maggy the Frog told her as a little girl: that one day she will perish at the hands of the Valonqar, which roughly translates to “little brother” in High Valyrian.

Then again, given that Cersei is pregnant, or so she says, it may deter Jaime from taking her life.

I think this would be fitting, but it may not happen as we would imagine. Maybe Jaime forgives Cersei and tries to protect her, or maybe he takes the initiative and delivers the final blow to end his evil sister’s life, which would make him both a Kingslayer and a Queenslayer. OR Jaime could die on the way to Cersei only for Arya to steal his face, use it to get close to Cersei, and then finally tick her off her list. Poetic justice at its finest, if you asking me!

Either way, something is going to go down between Cersei and Jaime in this week’s episode, and I can’t wait to see their end of their road.