Five predictions for Game of Thrones Episode 805

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3. Dany will be very tempted to burn them all

After “The Last of the Starks” ending, one thing was loud and clear: Dany is angrier than she has ever been. She’s lost two of her children in a war she didn’t really want to fight in the first place, she found out that her lover is her nephew and has a stronger claim to the Iron Throne than her, and she’s lost her best friend and confidante thanks to Cersei.

It suffices to say that homegirl is not happy. The look on her face at the end of the episode did not comfort us in any way. Is it possible she’s walking down the same path as her father and will blow up King’s Landing? Maybe, maybe not. I mean, her being this angry is entirely justified, but will it impair her judgment?

We know Cersei has brought civilians into the Red Keep as a means to protect herself, but will that matter to a vengeful, pissed off Dany who still has one dragon to spare? I have a feeling it might not. It’s very possible that Dany swoops down atop Drogon and lights King’s Landing on fire.

However, if things play out this way, it could potentially be the last nail in Dany’s coffin, literally and figuratively on her quest to sit on the throne. Either way, people will lose complete trust in her for committing heinous actions or she’ll die trying to achieve her goal.

At this point, either or is very possible.