What happened to the major Game of Thrones characters in the series finale?

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The Game of Thrones series finale has come and gone, and it’s left us with a lot of things to talk about tomorrow around the office watercooler. One of those conversations will be where each of the major characters from the show ended up before the final credits rolled.

I often wondered how showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss would end our favorite show, placing beloved characters in different parts of the world, and now that I know, I’ve got to say, I’m pleasantly happy.

Let’s start with Brienne of Tarth, who was knighted in Episode 802, “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.” Because of that important gesture from Ser Jaime Lannister, Brienne was able to be named Lord Commander of King Bran the Broken’s Kingsguard.

I love the sigil for Bran’s Kingsgaurd is a Three-Eyed Raven. Also, Brienne writing the deeds of Ser Jaime into the White Book was poignant and I appreciated the moment.

Next, we have Brienne’s former squire, Podrick. He’s now known as Ser Podrick, and he’s currently wheeling King Bran around the Red Keep…or what’s left of it.

The new armor is very cool looking, but you’ve got to love that huge smile on Ser Podrick’s face. He more than deserved this post where he gets to work alongside both his mentors Tyrion Lannister and Brienne.