Black Mirror is The Twilight Zone for a new generation. And yes, I realize that there’s a reboot of The Twilight Zone currently running on CBS All Access, but it’s not my fault that Charlie Brooker and his incisive vision of technology gone bad got there first. It’s out of my hands.
ANYWAY, the fifth season of Netflix’s dystopian nightmare drops on June 5. There will be three new episodes, and since every episode of Black Mirror is basically a mini-movie onto itself, Netflix has dropped three trailers, starting with one for “Smithereens,” in which a cab driver (Andrew Scott) gets mad as hell and isn’t going to take it anymore:
Or maybe he’s less a cab driver and it’s more of an Uber/Lyft thing. Black Mirror does like to skewer whatever technology is currently in vogue. In any case, he’s had it.
Next up is the trailer for “Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too,” where a lonely teenager (Angourie Rice) attempts to connect with her favorite pop star (Miley Cyrus, playing what she knows) by buying some kind of freaky totem/technological voodoo doll. It quickly gets weird:
Finally, in “Striking Vipers,” Anthony Mackie (Falcon in the Avengers movies) looks like he’s getting listless in his relationship to Pom Klementieff, so he takes comfort in…I don’t know, some kind of harmful technological thing he puts on his temple.
It all drops on Wednesday, June 5! You could have a whole new outlook on life by the following Friday.

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As long as we’re talking about trailers, there’s a movie version of Julian Fellows’ six-season Downton Abbey coming to theaters this year. All of the principle cast members are present and accounted for. Watch below:
“No maid. No valet. No nanny even!” The Crawleys are just like us now. Except for…you know, the abbey.
Downton Abbey comes out September 20.
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