Game of Thones: Put a Bow On It and Call It Done

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TV Tropes has a great page about the “Writer on Board” trope, where characters will speak for the writers in scenes. That was without a doubt Tyrion’s role during his conversation with Jon, where he bullet points as many things as he can to retroactively explain Dany’s sudden turn to the dark side. That was my least favorite scene.

See if this definition sounds familiar to you:

"Obvious authorial intrusion. When the characters start behaving like idiots or acting against their established characterization because the writer damn well needs them to tell the story in a particular way, often to make a point. Who cares if the characters become less believable as a result? May also occur when a character is accused of being used just to show a particular point of view, and not because they actually have it. The technical literary term for a character designed to express the author’s preferred opinions (often the Only Sane Man) is the raisonneur—here at TV Tropes the preferred term is Author Avatar."

Going back to previous seasons and ret-conning moments that the show clearly portrayed positively is just full-on lazy. Yes, look at this scene where they clearly show Dany is capable of going mad by demanding that children aren’t harmed. Listen as that heroic music swells and Dany’s cunning is revealed. Gaze upon the horror of her freeing the slave soldiers. Truly a mad queen.

Between the Dany ending being so dark and the ending for literally every other character being so…not dark…the show just whips back and forth between Dany dying and an SNL sketch about chairs and small council meetings. It made my head hurt.

When all is said and done, Jon never wanted to be king, so he kind of got what he wanted. Sansa wanted the Starks to remain together to have a free North and she gets to be queen, so she got what she wanted. The Disney-esque ending for everybody BUT Dany is kind of hard to ignore. Even Bronn and Sam got everything they had ever wanted. There was no “bittersweet” ending to all this, just over-the-top sweetness for everyone but Dany.

If you ignore all the bad or silly things then the finale was great! Just don’t think about it. Thinking is the death of fandom. And sometimes…fandom can be the death of thinking.

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