HBO is hard at work on several Game of Thrones prequel series. But what about a sequel? Oh, the possibilities!
Game of Thrones has ended. What to do now? HBO is making a prequel series set thousands of years before the mainline show, which is all well and good, the series finale left a lot of doors open for the characters we already know and love to go on new adventures. Might HBO ever make a sequel rather than a prequel show? Oh, the possibilities!
Where is Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen going at the end of “The Iron Throne”? What will Arya Stark find west of Westeros? What sort of new world does Tyrion want to build? Where did Drogon take Daenerys’ body? There’s way too much fun to be had here, so without further ado, here are several Game of Thrones sequel scenarios we’d like to see. HBO, if you’re reading, we’re free to chat.

Saddled with absentee King Bran lost in greensight reveries 90% of the time, the actual running of the new kingdom lands squarely on the small shoulders of the Hand of the King, Tyrion Lannister. Tyrion is smart, experienced and intuitive, but he’ll have his hands full with the headstrong members of his recently assembled Small Council: Grand Maester Samwell Tarly, Ser Brienne of Tarth (Lord Commander of the Kingsguard), Ser Bronn of the Blackwater (Master of Coin) and Ser Davos Seaworth (Master of Ships). Plus whoever they get to fill the other positions.
While previous small councils served a highborn king and were loaded with highborn nobles, this one has a decidedly more lowborn and blue-collar makeup: Davos was a smuggler, Bronn a mercenary, Samwell a former member of the Night’s Watch and Brienne has only just been recently knighted. As a Stark, even King Bran’s bloodline never had a prior claim to the now-melted Iron Throne.
Everyone may have laughed at Samwell’s suggestion of electing a king via popular vote, but this small council will have a vastly more democratic feel than any of the ones that came before it. Tyrion will have his hands full with this group. And while the great wars are over, the political honeymoon won’t last long: power is power, so new dangerous opponents will arise, old enmities will cause division, and there may soon be a need for a new Master of Whisperers.
Tyrion is the perfect focal point for a humorous but dark sequel plunging into the fresh complexities of the new great game, but he’s also a little too fond of wine, and his troubles may cause him to revert back to his drinking buddy days. He and Bronn, in particular, may end up falling into old habits and having a few too many, but the job always comes first.