Elizabeth Olsen once auditioned to play Daenerys Targaryen, and it didn’t go well


Elizabeth Olsen, aka Scarlet Witch of the Avengers, could have been Daenerys Targaryen, folks! Olsen recently spoke to Vulture about her awkward Game of Thrones audition, which came at a time when she was just getting started in the business and was trying to land any role she could. I’m not sure I can see her as Dany, but she shines as the Scarlet Witch, which is a pretty nice consolation prize.


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Olsen looks back on this audition as the most awkward she’d ever had. It’s the one she always thinks of when people ask about her bad audition stories. So what lines/scene did she have to play?

"[From] after she just burned. And she’s making this speech to thousands of people about how she’s their queen. They didn’t know if they wanted a British accent or not. So, you did it in both. It was terrible."

Oh my, two accents? I think that could have gone horribly for anyone if I’m being honest.

Anyway, I wonder if Olson means before Daenerys was burned, when she addresses the Dothraki:

Even though Olsen didn’t get the iconic role of Daenerys Targaryen, she has no bitter feelings. “I’m just so deep in Game of Thrones that all I can think about is Kit Harington,” she said. “I mean, he’s just brainwashed me.”

Been there.

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h/t Fox News