Netflix speaks out against Georgia’s abortion legislation


On May 7, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed a bill that, if implemented, will outlaw abortion after the detection of a fetal heartbeat. It’s a controversial law, and some industries are no longer comfortable doing business in the state. That includes certain Hollywood studios. The Handmaid’s Tale director Reed Morano, for instance, stopped scouting Georgia locations for a show he’s making for Amazon.

Now, Netflix has released a statement to Variety. Said chief content officer Ted Sarandos:

"We have many women working on productions in Georgia, whose rights, along with millions of others, will be severely restricted by this law. It’s why we will work with the ACLU and others to fight it in court. Given the legislation has not yet been implemented, we’ll continue to film there, while also supporting partners and artists who choose not to. Should it ever come into effect, we’d rethink our entire investment in Georgia."

Netflix has two major shows that film in and around the Atlanta, Georgia area: Stranger Things and Ozark. Actor Alyssa Milano, who stars in Netflix’s Insatiable, has been vocally outspoken against the bill from the start.


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Quite a lot of shows film in Georgia, including AMC’s The Walking Dead, which has shot there since season 1.

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