Finn Jones (Loras Tyrell) predicted the Game of Thrones ending years ago


Finn Jones played Loras Tyrell for six season on Game of Thrones, and when he wasn’t busy fighting the Mountain or being imprisoned by the High Sparrow, the man was taking notes. We have no other explanation as to how Jones was able to so accurately predict the series ending way back in 2015.

Speaking to Vulture in the middle of season 5, Jones forecast what was going to happen long before the final scripts were written:

"My hope for Westeros is that Bran [Stark] dissolves the Iron Throne; he gives the power back to the individual realms. Him, his Small Council, which would be Brienne, Tyrion [Lannister], and maybe some of the Tyrells, because I’m biased. But they will try to keep the peace, after this devastating war has struck Westeros and killed a lot of people."

Okay, so it’s not exactly what happened. Bran didn’t dissolve the Iron Throne himself, power wasn’t returned to the individual kingdoms (except the North), and obviously the Tyrells weren’t part of the ruling council (hard to run the continent as a pile of ash) but given what an out-of-left-field choice Bran was to rule over everything in the end, this is still pretty impressive.

And this wasn’t the only thing Jones got right. Jones, who has apparently read the Song of Ice and Fire novels on which Thrones is based, also predicted Loras would be disfigured on screen as well as the page.

"Even if Loras [Tyrell] is imprisoned, I would like to see him get disfigured by the Sparrows, the same way he gets disfigured at Dragonstone with the boiling oil [in A Feast for Crows]. I think that would be really interesting, because the only thing he has left are his looks and his ostentatiousness. And that’s been stripped from him."

Remember, this interview was given while season 5 was on the air, long before the High Sparrow had Loras disfigured in the season 6 finale before the lot of them blew up in Cersei’s act of domestic terrorism. In George R.R. Martin’s novels, Loras’ fate is left unclear after he’s burned by boiling oil taking Dragonstone back from Stannis’ for the Lannisters. But whether it was Stannis’ men or the Sparrows, Jones’ prediction demonstrates a clear understanding of his character.


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Between his prediction about the ending in general and Loras specifically, I’m going to have Jones buy me a couple lottery tickets.

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