Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark) is an agent of chaos. For weeks now, since the airing of “The Last of the Starks,” the world has had one question on its mind: why did Daenerys go mad how did a coffee cup end up in front of Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) during the feast at Winterfell?
The first shot fired in this war came from Liam Cunningham (Davos). He blamed Clarke. “These things happen, it’s a big job, people run in, and Emilia [Clarke] probably drinks too much coffee,” Cunningham said.
Of course, Clarke wasn’t going to take the blame lying down and quickly roasted Cunningham in return. “I’ll bet it was Liam. He’s deflecting it — 100%. Like I said, he’s a cheeky one.”
But then entered Sophie Turner, who up until this point had been silently enjoying the chaos amongst her castmates like some ninja assassin. On The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Turner foisted the blame on Clarke:
“Look who its [the coffee cup] placed in front of,” Turner said. “Emilia Clarke. She’s the culprit.”

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But ah ha, what of this Instagram post, Turner? WAS IT YOU?
So basically, no one knows anything and the real coffee-drinking menace is running around free as a bird. UNTIL NOW. Back on CONAN to promote X-Men: Dark Phoenix, she identified a new suspect: Kit Harington (Jon Snow).
“It’s good to know that the coffee cup got more press than the final season altogether,” Turner says. Zing. Then she moved in for the kill:
"The coffee cup was where Kit’s chair was. First I blamed it on Emilia, but I don’t think Emilia would do that. Kit is lazy and I think he would have done that. It was in front of Kit’s chair and then obviously he moved so this picture was taken and it looked like it was in my seat, but I wasn’t there either. It was Kit. It was 100% Kit."
And there it is, folks. Another day, another cast member blamed. If chaos is indeed a ladder, then Sophie Turner has climbed about as high as you can get.
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