Fox was planning an Avengers-like team-up movie with the X-Men, Deadpool, Daredevil and more


Everyone knows The Avengers movies: heroes from multiple franchises teaming up for a spectacular blowout? What audacity! What vision! No one could ever top that, right?

According to X-Men: First Class screenwriter Zack Stentz, Fox was gonna take a swing at it before Disney bought them out. While on Kevin Smith’s podcast, Fatman Beyond, Stentz talked all about this potential movie he had been working on since 2011.

This “secret” movie would have brought together any Marvel superhero Fox could get its hands on, including Deadpool, the Fantastic Four, Davedevil (remember when Fox made that Daredevil movie with Ben Affleck? I imagine they would have gotten someone else by now), and of course all of the X-Men. The villain would have been Galactus, known as the Devourer of the Worlds.

That sounds like it would have been one hell of a movie! According to Stentz, he was “really proud” of the script he had been working on. Maybe there’s still a chance Disney could give us this team-up down the road? Please?


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Speaking of the X-Men, did you know that Hugh Jackman was almost fired from playing Wolverine about five weeks into the filming of the first movie? Jackman revealed that tidbit while speaking to an audience at his one-man show, The Man. The Music. The Show. Hear it straight from the wolverine’s mouth:

"Five weeks into shooting and I was on the verge of getting fired. The head of the studio pulled me aside, sat me down at lunch, and said that they were worried that they weren’t seeing on camera what they’d seen in the audition."

Luckily, Jackman’s wife came to the rescue and got him back on track, making sure we got the iconic Wolverine we know and love.

Then, three seconds later, we imagine Jackman belted out some show tunes, because he does that.

I’m the best in the world at what I do, and what I do is siiiiiiNNNNNGG!

And of course, no post about the X-Men would be complete without weighing in on the latest (and probably last) movie in the series as we know it: Dark Phoenix, which opened in theaters this past weekend. The short version, according to Deadline, is that it bombed. I mean, it still brought in $140 million worldwide, which makes it the winner of the weekend, but that’s below the first weekend take of any other X-Men movie before it, and in the U.S., it was beaten by The Secret Life of Pets 2. All in all, experts tell Deadline that it will lose an estimated $100 to $120 million by the time all is said and done.

If there’s a silver lining, it’s that even among critics disparaging the movie, star Sophie Turner is getting plenty of good press. It’s doubtful she’s going to play Jean Grey again, but her career is far from over.

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h/t The A.V. Club, SYFY Wire