Disney’s illustrated dress code for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

Luke Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi Han Solo Star Wars New Hope
Luke Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi Han Solo Star Wars New Hope /

Disney’s Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge theme park is open! Well, for those who have reservations anyway (until June 24). After that, it’s essentially a free for all.

Naturally, Star Wars fans cannot wait to immerse themselves in a park modeled after their favorite fictional universe, complete with rides and attraction and merch by the bucketload. No doubt many are hoping to get into the spirit of things by dressing up as their favorite characters. But before you go buying your Wookie onesie, please make sure to look over the dress code laid out by Disney Parks.

What you CAN wear:

What you CAN’T wear:

So what we’re gleaning here is that you’re allowed to look kind of Star Wars-inspired, but you can’t dress up as a specific character, probably because you then risk getting confused with the actual costumed employees walking around the place. Disney kind of has a conflict of interest here, because by its own admission, it sells Star Wars costumes in the park, but “some of the items sold in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge cannot be worn inside the land.” Is that hypocritical? Discuss.

“We look forward to seeing you dressed in your Batuuan best!” the statement adds…so long as your best is in the “Permitted” column.


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There are other interesting restrictions inside the park, like how the employees aren’t allowed to refer to children as “younglings,” because that recalls that time Anakin killed a bunch of kids in Revenge of the Sith. So visitors have some rules to read over before officially heading off into the world of their dreams. But hey, it’s a small price to pay for getting to visit a galaxy far, far away, right?

Next. Disney declares Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge park a success—Have a look around. dark

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h/t Fox News