Gather round children, it’s time for a rousing round of “are you @#!^ing kidding me!” In today’s example, we’re talking about the downright stunning 11-minute one-shot hallway fight scene from the third season of the now cancelled Netflix series Daredevil. If you didn’t see it, Matt Murdoch was cornered in a prison with inmates and guards set upon him by the vile Wilson Fisk. It was one of the most impressive sequences to come out of Netflix thus far. Here’s a short taste:
And that keeps going for a while.
Anyway, the news is that, despite everyone involved in the sequence working at the very top of their game, this scene is not eligible for an Emmy award for Outstanding Stunt Coordination. And why is this technical marvel of a scene excluded? According to season 3 showrunner Erik Oleson, it was too long.
This is such a shame. The Netflix Marvel universe imploded faster than it took Thanos to snap his fingers, and now fans don’t even get to see this exemplary sequence rewarded at the Emmys. I mean, explain to me how that the Stunt Coordination in this thing isn’t Outstanding? Charlie Cox (Daredevil) gets pummeled to a pulp for 11 minutes straight dozens of performers drift in and out of the shot to pummel or be pummeled in turn. There was a lot wrong with the Marvel Netflix universe, but not this. The third season of Daredevil was extremely enjoyable, with this scene being the highlight.
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Rules are rules and all that, but if it were up to me, I’d send over the first two minutes and 59 seconds of the scene with a place card that says, “For more outstanding stunt coordination, watch the entire bloody scene, you knobs.” Or something to that effect. Either way, feel free to fire up Netflix and enjoy this scene in its entirety. Long live the devil of Hell’s Kitchen.
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h/t Uproxx