NASA discovers Star Trek logo on Mars, William Shatner immediately trolls Star Wars fans

We’ve made first contact. In science news, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter found a dune on Mars shaped weirdly like the Star Trek chevron used on every Star Trek show and movie ever, and as a badge on the uniforms of Starfleet members. Have a look:

According to the University of Arizona, the Star Trek logo on Mars wasn’t put there by Starfleet Command, but instead boring stuff like wind and sand. “Eventually, the sand piles that were the dunes migrated away, leaving these ‘footprints’ in the lava plain,” explains killjoy Ross Beyer. “These are also called ‘dune casts’ and record the presence of dunes that were surrounded by lava.”

So there you have it. It’s not a Trek symbol, it’s just extraterrestrial geography and weather patterns.

Or is it? Star Trek legend William Shatner (Captain Kirk) couldn’t help but troll Star Wars fans about the find:

Shatner has been known to troll Star Wars fans in the past. Back in the day, he and Star Wars legend Carrie Fischer (Princess/General Leia) would have mock Twitter wars all the time.:

Anyway, since Shatner tagged the official Star Wars Twitter account, it couldn’t take the head Trekkie’s insult lying down.

Sensing a disturbance in the Force, Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) also decided to join the fray.

Hamill’s sass knows no bounds, which makes him a great follow. Here’s hoping he picks up where Fisher left off and gets into prolonged, good-natured feuds with Shatner.


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Speaking of Captain Kirk, his profile is about to rise. Bloody Disgusting reports that he’ll be hosting a new nonfiction series called The Unexplained on HISTORY, where he’ll try to explain phenomena that have fascinated mankind for centuries: we’re talking mysterious structures and cursed ancient cities to extraterrestrial sightings and bizarre rituals. And maybe he can troll Star Wars fans on TV, too.

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h/t SyFy Wire