The final season of Game of Thrones didn’t exactly get the universal praise the showrunners may have been hoping for. That’s something we’ve let sink in since the series finale aired a month back. And we’re not the only ones weighing in. Charlie Brooker (the creator of Black Mirror, a show that’s suffering through its own critical doldrums) has some thoughts about the final season. Speaking to NME, he agreed that he’d give it about a 68% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Given that the actual rating is around 58%, I guess that means he liked it?
Brooker used words as well as numbers to describe his feelings:
"There was a thread I saw that summed up the difference between a seat-of-the-pants writer and a plotter, and George RR Martin is a seat-of-the-pants writer, creating complicated characters and scenarios and it’s hard to bring those stories to a resolution, hence why the books are slowing down in frequency. The producers of the show have this story created by a seat-of-the-pants writer but they decide they have to bring it to a conclusion, which presents a problem because characters in plotter stories tend to be a bit thinner. It felt to me like there were romances, for instance, that were built in because they had to happen for the purposes of the story."
I think I’m more or less in agreement with Brooker here. The final season was trying to get to an endpoint, but seemed to rush through a few developments to do it.
Still, he wasn’t all gloom from Brooker. “I think there was a scene right near the end with the rearranging of the chairs stuff, that really reminded me of early episodes and was really enjoyable to watch,” he said. “So overall, with the situation they were in, they did a good job.”
That would be the scene where Tyrion meets with King Bran’s new Small Council, and they get to work rebuilding the realm after years of war. It’s a hard job but someone’s gotta do it.
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Brooker isn’t the only TV heavyweight talking about season 8. While Brooker may be on the fence about it, Rick and Morty creators Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland were all in. Sure, even they wanted a few more episodes, but nothing’s perfect, and being a critic is too much fun to pass up a chance to complain.
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h/t Metro