Jar Jar Binks is the hero of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, a brave Gungan who fought bravely against the droid army in The Phantom Menace and ruled well and wisely as a senator in the Galactic Republic.
Just kidding. Jar Jar is a dumb garbage character with a weird accent whom fans hate to this day, although more than enough time has passed for them to have a little fun with it. For example:
Jar Jar was also trending on Twitter yesterday. Why? It ends up that Mark Hamill, Luke Skywalker himself, was behind it, according to CNET. This tweet was ground zero:
I refuse to be distracted by such meaningless, moronic time-wasters (especially since my home planet was blown up by an unnamed stormtrooper).#FickleFingerOfFate 🖕 pic.twitter.com/JnlevrCNpo
— Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) July 8, 2019
So far as CNET can tell, this chart came from The Dad, a site full of dad jokes, which sounds about right. Naturally, people were posting about their Star Wars-related fates, and I guess the ones involving Jar Jar caught on:
My father turns out to be Jar Jar Binks?!?
— Jon Cryer (@MrJonCryer) July 8, 2019
Noooooooooooooooo https://t.co/gmrFrQyAC7
And before you knew it, the man was trending:
For reference, my Star Wars fate is being force-choked by Luke Skywalker, which I can get behind.

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May Jar Jar rise!
The next Star Wars movie, Rise of the Skywalker, hits theaters on December 20. It won’t but totally should include Jar Jar Binks in a prominent role.
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