Top 11 best moments from Stranger Things season 3

Credit: Netflix
Credit: Netflix /
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Alec Utgoff Alexei Stranger Things Season 3

Credit: Netflix

We learned to love Alexei right before he was taken from us

The Russians were the bad guys this year, but no group is homogenous. Alexei, a Russian scientist who helps Joyce and Hopper break into the base beneath Starcourt after they…well, kidnap him…quickly started to steal every scene he was in, what with him demanding cherry slurpees and winning Woody Woodpecker stuffed animals at the Fourth of July fair. We couldn’t understand what Alexei was saying, but clearly he was a decent guy caught up in something bad, and we were heartbroken when he was taken down by a Russian assassin.

Alexei even got through to Murray Bauman, the most cynical character on the show. If even Murray fell under his spell, what choice did we have?