Top 11 best moments from Stranger Things season 3

Credit: Netflix
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David Harbour, Winnona Ryder – Stranger Things (2019). Photo Credit: Netflix

The Jopper scene we’ll never get over

It’s been three seasons too long, but Jopper finally gets their moment in season 3 — sort of. Joyce asks Hopper out to dinner, tells him he can pick her up, and it’s adorable, and then a few scenes later they destroy the Russians’ interdimensional laser device and close the gate to the Upside Down and Hopper is incinerated, but let’s focus on the positive, shall we?

Really, if you watch a lot of TV, their cute conversation in the Russian base below Starcourt Mall was a big tipoff that one of them was going to die. It was just too precious of a scene to take place in that dangerous a situation. Maybe that makes the scene even better; it’s a thing of fleeting beauty, of promise unfulfilled.

If you ask me, it’s fan service done right. The attraction between these two was build up over the course of the season rather than being forced. And while we didn’t get any “I love you” declarations or even a passionate kiss, their final moments together are enough to satisfy our Jopper-loving hearts.