Top 11 best moments from Stranger Things season 3

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Billy saves Eleven’s life

Everyone, we need to talk about Billy. His character arc took off in a big way in season 3, and I am extremely impressed with Dacre Montgomery’s performance. Billy may not be missed, but Montgomery sure will.

After being taken over by the Mindflayer, Billy goes through a drastic transformation that takes him from aggressive asshole to murderous killer. But even though he was crossing all kinds of lines this season, we also got to see a tender side of him we didn’t know was there.

When trying to find him, Eleven does her thing and enters his mind, where she saw Billy as a young boy on the beach with his mother. It was all very sweet and humanizes him in a way we weren’t expecting.

Billy was the Mindflayer’s tool this season, but poking around in his mind gave Eleven a way to connect with him, which she did in his final moments. The connection is so profound that Billy overrides the Mindflayer’s control and sacrificing his life to save Eleven’s.

I came to despise Billy over the course of the series, but his redemption arc was affecting, and despite all the horrible things he’s done, I find myself honoring his memory.