As Wired has noted as of late, Star Wars fans don’t have much right now. (That’ll change next week with Thrawn: Treason). However, as of this morning, that’s starting to change so long as you don’t mind much in the way of spoilers. That’s because The Rise of Skywalker is getting some new shoots.
Now, Wired says it’s not clear if it’s full-on pickups or reshoots. Last week, Making Star Wars reported that it’s pickups — in other words, some smaller shots rather than retooling of scenes entirely.
Fan Instagram The Bespin Bulletin posted some new looks as possible sets over at Black Park yesterday, though:
Granted, site two in particular looks like it might be needed more for bigger pickups or even possible reshooting. However, fans over on Reddit have posted doubts that this is for The Rise of Skywalker — instead, offering theories that it’s meant for The Eternals (part of the next movie phase for the MCU). There is, of course, a counter-theory to this: that the big site two structure is meant to help represent the legendary Yavin IV and the Jedi temples there, where there might be some sort of relics (and possibly Sith involvement?) to explore.

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“No one’s ever really gone,” after all, to quote the teaser. Additionally, a planet like Yavin IV appearing would pick up on and expand The Last Jedi‘s use of a former Rebel base on Crait as the site of the Resistance’s apparent last stand, while also tying back to the greater history of the galaxy as a whole with those Jedi connections.
Additionally, the medal from Yavin IV appears prominently in that teaser, with someone holding onto it. It could just be a bit of misdirection, or related more to the history of the Rebellion rather than the place, but it could lend credence to theories of Yavin IV appearing in the film.
As other Reddit users note, Poe Dameron was also born on Yavin IV, and as far as we know, his father Kes Dameron is still alive, with a Force-sensitive tree planted just outside the home he settled in with Shara Bey, Poe’s mom. (She has passed away in continuity.)
In other words, there have been a lot of seeds planted for Yavin IV. Even if The Rise of Skywalker isn’t filming more in Black Park, it’s possible — and perhaps even probable, if you ascribe to the Yavin IV theory.
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