The Rise of Skywalker will introduce a new TIE type: The TIE Dagger


To say that Kylo Ren is dramatic is a bit like saying that The Rise of Skywalker is the last movie in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. In other words, it is known. Whether it’s throwing tantrums when things don’t go his way, getting really weird about touching hands, or that whole “let the past die; kill it if you have to” ethos, the man formerly known as Ben Solo could give Grandpa Anakin a run for his money when it comes to his ability to absolutely lose it at any given time.

But who would have thought that his sense of dramatics would go beyond remaking his Vader cosplay helmet and into the names of new ships for the First Order? Enter the TIE Dagger, which as reported by That Hashtag Show is featured on the cover of the upcoming Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary, which is canon and meant to provide an in-depth look at tiny details of the film.

Kylo Ren may have not come up with the name ‘TIE Dagger’ himself, but as Supreme Leader of the First Order, he probably had to sign off on it. It’s a whole new level of edginess that fits him very well.

Author Pablo Hidalgo shared a look at the cover on Twitter:

Actually, the whole cover is pretty First-Order-heavy. Not only can you spot a Sith Trooper helmet, but the bulk of the image is taken up by one of the Knights of Ren, Kylo’s subordinates who have equally brutal tastes in weapon design (oh, and knowledge of the dark side). It probably doesn’t mean much for the actual film, though, since The Last Jedi‘s Visual Dictionary has a Praetorian Guard for Supreme Leader Snoke on the cover, and they were only in one major scene. Meanwhile, the entry for The Force Awakens has Kylo Ren himself as the cover star.


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If we want to take clues from the newest cover, the most we can say is that the Knights of Ren may feature heavily in one scene, like the Praetorian Guard in the throne room fight from The Last Jedi, and that their weapons will play a role.

Unfortunately, this Visual Dictionary doesn’t drop until the same day as The Rise of Skywalker itself — December 20 — so we won’t be able to use it to confirm anything.

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