Watch this heartbreaking deleted scene from Avengers: Endgame


After becoming the highest-grossing film in history, Avengers: Endgame is headed to your living room on July 30 in digital form, followed by the DVD and Blu-Ray editions two weeks later on August 13.

And if you can wait the extra two weeks for the Blu-Ray, you’ll be rewarded with six deleted scenes, one of which is already available to watch. Check it out below, but beware: if you’re one of the two people left on the planet who hasn’t seen Endgame, it contains major SPOILERS.

Picking up immediately after Tony Stark dies following him snapping away all of Thanos’ forces, we see the combined heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe take a knee out of respect for his sacrifice. Considering the sheer power possessed by some of the characters, like Captain Marvel, it’s a touching moment to see them take such a humble stance.

Except Gamora, who…walks away. What? She didn’t know that guy.

Should they have kept this scene in, or is it better in its original form? I tend towards the latter option. While it’s touching to see the heroes so humbled, Tony’s death feels more impactful through the eyes of those who knew and loved him best: Pepper Potts (Gwyneth  Paltrow), War Machine (Don Cheadle) and Spider-Man (Tom Holland). It also take away a little bit from Tony’s funeral later in the film, where many of the sam characters appear appropriately subdued.


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But that’s just me. What does everyone else think? Does the deleted scene add or take away from the original film? Let us know!

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