Twelve takeaways from the script for the Game of Thrones series finale

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Daenerys is “Her Satanic Majesty”

Quoth the script, from the scene and now-famous shot where Daenerys looks like she has Drogon’s wings: “For a moment, Drogon’s unfolding wings spread behind her back, an unsettling image. Her Satanic Majesty’s Request.”

Calling Daenerys a tyrant is one thing — and they do that, too, in Arya’s narration later on — but “Her Satanic Majesty” is a step up, implying that she’s not only evil, but demonic. Although she is in control of the closest thing to hellfire in Westeros.

Also, this is probably also a shout-out to the Rolling Stones, who have an album called Their Satanic Majesties Request.

Tyrion’s change of heart

During Daenerys’ speech to the Unsullied, here’s what Tyrion is meant to be thinking: “Tyrion, who understands enough Valyrian to get the gist of what she’s saying, looks around the ruined city. If this is liberation, he doesn’t believe in liberation theology.”

Let’s focus on one word here: “theology.” This is more than just ideology, and the choice seems pretty deliberate. To Tyrion, here, Daenerys’ speech is more from someone who sees herself as a god, not as a queen and conqueror.

Or it’s just a stray word. Read into it however you like.

Also, even after working with a Valyrian-speaking regime for years, Tyrion still doesn’t have a huge grasp on it. This is actually not that unlikely. It’s not like he has Duolingo or something else, and most of the command structure speaks other languages that he understands more fluently, so he doesn’t have a lot of practice time.