Twelve takeaways from the script for the Game of Thrones series finale

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Tyrion and the random capital letters

This is one of the few times we’ll be talking about the dialogue. Mostly it’s written like…dialogue, but when Tyrion is trying to convince Jon to kill Daenerys, we get some interesting capitalization: “And she grows more powerful, and more sure that she is Good and Right.”

That capitalization is in the script. In the scene as filmed, Peter Dinklage certainly places some emphasis on these two words, but to know that Tyrion is mentally capitalizing the words links back to the use of the word “theology” earlier in the script. This is Tyrion attempting to try and lay out what he thinks is happening: that Daenerys is weaving together something like her own mythology.

Whether or not that idea is actually sold, by Tyrion or by Daenerys later, is up to you.

Daenerys in the throne room

Just as Jon shows up to ruin everything, Daenerys has a moment in the throne room. The whole scene is worth a read, but these few sentences, right before she makes her case to Jon that she’s doing the right thing, are perhaps the most hard-hitting: “Dany is at ease for the first time in as long as we can remember. Maybe the first time ever. She has won. She looks back at the throne.”

Maybe it’s because we know she hasn’t won; we know that her hope and peacefulness is a delusion. It seems like Emilia Clarke picks up on that in her acting in the scene, though. She might look happy, but her wide eyes betray that something still isn’t right with Daenerys Targaryen, and might not have been right since her break in “The Bells.”