Stranger Things fan asks what a darkroom is, makes internet feel old

Credit: Netflix
Credit: Netflix /

Stranger Things, as we know, is set in the 1980s. Things have come long way between then and now, especially in terms of technology. It’s hard for today’s kids to wrap their heads around floppy disks or Walkmens, and heaven help them if you ask them to use a rotary phone.

On the other hand, younger people know more about smartphones than the adults of the world ever will. The internet saw evidence of this division when a young Stranger Things fan took to a Stack Exchange forum to ask about the scenes throughout the series where Jonathan develops his photos, as for example in his capacity as a photography for The Hawkins Post in season 3.

Now, if you’re ancient, you know what Jonathan is doing, but if you’ve only ever taken pictures with your smartphone, this scene could have been baffling. Hence the fan’s question:

"In Stranger Things, we frequently see Jonathan go inside this to “refine” his photos or something. I don’t quite understand what happens here. He puts the photo in water, and somehow this makes it more clear? An example is in the first season when he refines Barbara’s photo and sees a little bit of the Demogorgon. Is this an old film technique, and if so, what is it called?"

In other words, this fan wanted to know what a darkroom was. Yup, some of us are officially fossils of a time gone by — barely remembered, barely recognized. How old do you feel right now, guys?

Of course, Twitter wasted no time in spreading this question around. The internet is reliable that way.

If that “3-D printed Save icon” one didn’t make you laugh out loud, then I’m not sure will.


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Anyway, I hope the kid who asked the questions learned something. I know the rest of us did.

Next. Stranger Things: How healthy were we in the 1980s compared to today?. dark

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