Day by day, it appears we are inching closer to a reality where master director Quentin Tartantino, king of the F-bomb and the sudden burst of violence, could be making a film set in the normally PG-13 universe of Star Trek. For whatever it’s worth, Tarantino has my vote, if for no other reason than I’d love to see the two styles collide.
For opinions that might actually count though, we turn to two of the stars of Taratino’s latest film, Once Upon A Time in Hollywood: Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie. While doing press for Once Upon A Time, Pitt was asked if he would be open to appearing in a Tarantino Trek film. “Hells yeah!” he instantly replied. Robbie was just as enthusiastic: “I would do anything, anything that Tarantino is doing.”
Hollywood A-Listers appearing in a Star Trek film would certainly raise the film’s profile. As for what an R-Rated Tarantino Star Trek film might look like, the man himself detailed his initial thoughts while appearing on the Happy Sad Confused podcast:
"The one thing I can say is it would deal with the Chris Pine timeline. Now, I still don’t quite understand, and JJ [Abrams] can’t explain it to me, and my editor has tried to explain it to me and I still don’t get it…about something happened in the first movie that now kind of wiped the slate clean. I don’t buy that. I don’t like it. I don’t appreciate it. I don’t — fuck that…I want the whole series to have happened, it just hasn’t happened yet. No, Benedict Cumberbatch or whatever his name is is not Khan, alright? Khan is Khan. And I told JJ, like, ‘I don’t understand this. I don’t like it.’ And then he was like, ‘Ignore it! Nobody likes it.’ I don’t understand it. Just do whatever you want. If you want it to happen the exact way it happens on the series it can."
Only Tarantino could get away with complaining to J.J. Abrams, director of both 2009’s Star Trek as well as Star Trek: Into Darkness, about not liking the films and have Abrams agree with him. I wonder if Cumberbatch ever confronted him about it. Can we be there when that happens?
So far as original cast members go, Williams Shatner has already expressed interest. And Karl Urban, who played Dr. Leonard McCoy in the most recent films, also seems on board. “I think it would be awesome if that movie was to happen,” he told Los Angeles Magazine. “I think Quentin Tarantino is one of the most exciting filmmakers currently working. And I would not only love to be a part of that movie, but I would love to see it.”

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