For two seasons, Arnas Fedaravicius has starred on Netflix’s The Last Kingdom as the warrior Sihtric, loyal comrade to Uhtred of Bebbanburg. Fedaravicius graciously discussed the show with us, talking about how much fun it is — or not fun — to film a medieval drama.
“In summer, its crazy crazy hot,” Fedaravicius told us. “You’re just in this field and it’s 90-plus degrees, with sun shining in your face, and sweating for hours. During the winter it’s opposite, it’s freezing, it’s muddy. Between takes you’re slipping and falling, getting covered in mud. As soon as the take ends you just stiffen up. It’s really interesting how that plays out once you hit record, it just goes away.”
As for some of the show’s more violent scenes, Fedaravicius was quick to praise The Last Kingdom’s stunt team:
"In terms of fights themselves, we have amazing fight choreographers, and the entire stunt team. They are also growing with us. This year, they prepare a fight scene, and we come in and they actually play it out as our characters. And they start adding these little ad libs amongst themselves, that our characters would also do, which is something to behold. We do our own fights though."
Okay, okay, enough praising the talented cast and crew. Let’s hear some dirt. Which cast member is the worst at riding horses?
"[Alexander Dreymon] is definitely the best, and it comes across on screen. I used to think Mark (Rowley) had issues, but then I realized, he just genuinely gets the craziest horses every time. I saw him on my horse, or on some other horse, and he’s just great. But every time we have to perform, he just gets the craziest horse with its own agenda."
What a respectful answer. We tried.
As it is, Fedaravicius revealed that regardless of ability, everyone on the show takes their craft very seriously. “We’re all very invested in the skills that surround this job. Be it swordsmanship, or horse riding, so we take classes outside the show, just for the audience to have a sense of belief. So that you can enjoy yourselves when you watch. I really, really enjoy the contact with the animal. I took lessons, and I think got good at it.”
We the fans can assure you, that work comes across on screen.
Okay, let’s talk season 4. Obviously Fedaravicius couldn’t reveal anything explicit, but he teased a couple things. For example, when we asked him about his toughest scene to film, he teased an upcoming one:
"I can’t really open up about this season, but it included a lot of water. And it included something that we had to adapt the script due to the outcome of that particular scene [laughs]. I encourage everyone to guess what that might have been when the season comes out!"
Adapting the script on the fly? We’re intrigued.
It wasn’t the only hint Fedaravicius dropped about season 4, which is halfway through filming now. What, generally, can fans expect from the upcoming episodes?
"A lot of surprises. There’s a lot of surprises this season. It’s gonna be intense. The battles are going to be a lot more detailed. In terms of storytelling, we’re reaching a new level. And amazing acting, of course. It’s going to take a lot of twists and turns, because of the transition to Netflix."
For those who don’t know, The Last Kingdom was initially a BBC production during season 1, before becoming a joint production between Netflix and BBC for season 2, and finally becoming a sole Netflix production for season 3. Per Fedaravicius, the transition led to some changes. “In season 3 already, you notice a bit more violence, gritty, raw violence. I don’t think it’s just for the sake of it, it translates into just a great way of storytelling, expressing how people might have lived in that era.”
Fedaravicius also touched on how the show deals with magic, something he believes is left up to the audience. “I like that level of, like with Skade, that whenever whatever sorcery is taking place on the show, you can’t really tell if it is or is not [real]. It feels like she could be casting spells, it could mean it’s affected by her, but you don’t really ever know. So there’s that level of thinking, that you make up your own mind. I love that about the show. It’s not a ready packaged product, it’s something for you to make up your own mind.”
Fedaravicius also shared who on the cast he’d enjoy having more screentime with:
"Definitely David Dawson (Alfred). Watching David work, his and my characters are far off in terms of status, and what his character does and mine does, but I would have loved to spend more time with [him]. Just being on set with him would have just been the best master class of how things are done. He’s amazing.The second one would be Ian Hart. I love working with him. Personality wise, how he switches and how simply and easily he does what he does is a thing to observe.And then Eliza Butterworth, who plays Aelswith. Before I met her, watching the show, obviously like most of the audience, I hated her. And then I met her, and she’s younger than me. When I met her at the first read through, I didn’t even know who that is. Who is this kind, young lady? But her ability to switch and change and be a different character every single time is just, I can’t. I’d love to work with her more. Because it’s just reacting, when working with such amazing talented and hard working people, it’s just reacting. It feels like they are doing everything."
Fedaravicius’ comment on Butterworth is spot on. As a fan of the show, I cannot stand when Aelswith is onscreen, but Butterworth seems absolutely nothing like her character.
Outside The Last Kingdom, Fedaravicius remains quite busy, even if he can’t quite talk about what else he’s doing. “I’m slowly but surely moving my presence to America, because that was always my dream as a kid,” he said. “I’ve always been inspired by American and Western culture. I think the reason I got into acting was all of the things I watched growing up. I’m going to spend more time and invest in America. It’s just a different ball game, and more different things you can do there.”
And speaking of American culture, what shows is Fedaravicius currently binging like the rest of us pagans, and has Fedaravicius seen Game of Thrones?
"Lately I haven’t been good on watching, because we’ve been spending a lot of time on this (TLK), and I’ve caught myself, I can’t concentrate on something that takes me out of it for an hour. So lately I’ve been into podcasts and books. But since my girlfriend hasn’t seen it, I’ve recently started introducing her to The Sopranos. That’s one of my favorite TV shows of all time, I grew up on it.I really want to catch up on Stranger Things. Ozark, I love that. And to be honest I’ve never really watched Game of Thrones. I watched like five episodes, but there’s this pressure, I feel like you’re not a professional, you’re in this industry, working our show of that type of vibe and you haven’t seen watched it. And I’ve worked with some people from that show. So I guess, maybe some time, but there are just so many seasons."
One of these days, he’s going to be locked in his house on a snowy day and binge the thing, mark our words.

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Finally, we asked Fedaravicius how he spends his time when not working on the show:
"I’ve come to a point in my life where I realize this is an ever changing experience, being myself is an ever changing experience. Currently, what I’m really taking pleasure in, obviously because of this job as well, I think it’s me and Mark and Alex’s wind down, specifically me and Mark after every day of shooting we go to the gym. As weird as it sounds, getting physically tired is a winding down from the mental and creative work throughout the day.I love podcasts and audiobooks while I’m working out. It’s a great source of learning for me, about things that I never really cared for. Lately, I’ve been studying more anthropology, and psychology of trauma. I love exploring human kind, and through that discovering myself.I love hikes. I have a very racy mind, a very fast paced mind, so I really enjoy something that takes me out of that where there’s nothing really to think about but what’s surrounding you. [When] I get to spend time with my girlfriend, I get to observe and learn from watching her cook. She’s an amazing cook.It’s a blessing to get to work in a field that I’m allowed to have time to think about these things. I’ve become a big fan of solitude. I don’t know if it’s an age thing, or just an experience thing, but I used to be quite afraid of being alone, so I always needed background noise and background people. Nowadays, I just feel like it’s really good to be with yourself, do some writing, do some praying."
Thank you to Arnas Fedaravicius for his time, and we look forward to solving his riddle about season 4!
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