New trailer for HBO’s Watchmen promises darkness and conspiracy


That new Watchmen trailer, though! If you thought you knew this story, then watch the trailer below, and then watch it again. There’s darkness, conspiracies, and plenty of Regina King’s masked vigilante, Angela Abar.

This new, official trailer gives us an extended look at the world LOST creator Damon Lindelof has created, all of it spun off the classic graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. The original story was adapted by Zach Snyder in a 2009 movie, but Lindelof is going for more of a remix/sequel/update, with characters from the original story now older, and a new threat forming. But it still focuses on hot button issues, in this case domestic terrorism and the relationship between police officers and the people they serve.

The new trailer focuses heavily on King’s character, Angela Abar, a police office who, like many of her colleagues, now wears a mask at work to protect her identity from a terrorist organization known as the 7th Kavalry, which is targeting officers and their families. Are the police themselves operating as masked vigilantes? Are the terrorists? Things are going to get messy.

Fans of the comic can catch plenty of references. The masks remind us of Rorschach, an obsessive hero from the original story. Nite Owl’s airship makes an appearance, as does a pirate flag, a reference to the Tales of the Black Freighter comic-within-a-comic. And there’s Jeremy Irons and Jean Smart, who will probably remind fans of a couple of heroes from the original graphic novel if you look closely.


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But whether you’ve read the graphic novel or not, it looks like you’ll be able to jump right in to the new series. HBO’s Watchmen looks like it’s going to be unlike any superhero drama we’ve seen up to this point, and I can’t wait to see what happens when it premieres on October 20.

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