WiC Reads: Fire & Blood

House of the Dragon
House of the Dragon /
3 of 23

2) Reign of the Dragon – The Wars of King Aegon I

Aegon fights a couple of wars in this one, which you probably could have guess. He deposes the self-proclaimed Queen Marla of the Sisters and ends a kind of civil war on the Iron Islands.

After that, the real war begins: the First Dornish War. This is the first time Aegon doesn’t get his way. Instead, Rhaenys and her dragon Meraxes perish at the Hellholt, after Meraxes is pieced through the eye with a scorpion bolt. Aegon’s war of conquest turns into a war of revenge on behalf of his more beloved sister-wife, but he gives up the fight after Princess Deria Martell, who visits Aegon on a mission of peace, hands him a letter from her father Nymor. The contents of the letter remain a mystery and provide fodder for new theories.

A sidenote: The Silent Sisters are one of the most neglected mysteries of Westeros. How does their order operate? How do you become one? Is there a hierarchy? Are there more of them who had their tongues removed, like Marla Sunderland?