It’s Friday morning. You’ll be out of work and on to the weekend soon. Get an early start on happiness with this trailer for The Mandalorian: The Musical, a musical reworking of Disney’s not-even-out-yet live-action series set in the Star Wars universe:
Immediately, I’ve got to give creators Jon and Al Kaplan for finding a lot of things to rhyme with “Mandalorian.” I mean, sure, they had to make up words but I appreciate the hustle.
Really, I’m just impressed that Disney’s first-ever live-action Star Wars show isn’t even out yet but it’s already getting parodied. And for the record, I would watch a Star Wars musical. Or a Star Trek musical. I dunno some musical set on spaceships. Make it happen, Disney+.
And hey, as long as we’re at it, Jon and Al, if you’re reading, I would also take Game of Thrones the Musical. Just putting it out into the universe.

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As for the actual Mandalorian, it will drop along with Disney’s new streaming service on November 12. If you’re used to watching shows on Netflix, be advised that Disney will release new episodes of The Mandalorian one at the time, in the old style.
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