WiC Watches: Succession season 2

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HBO Succession S2 05.23.2019 Scotland 207/ 18 INT LOGAN’S LONDON RESIDENCE – 2nd FLOOR LOUNGE Logan and Rhea discuss the Shiv problem over whiskys. Succession S2 | Sourdough Productions, LLC Silvercup Studios East – Annex 53-16 35th St., 4th FloorLong Island City, NY 11101 Office: 718-906-3332

Episode 207: “Return”

“Return” takes a step back from the high-stakes maneuvering of the past couple of episodes as Waystar Royco deals with the fallout of the failed PMG acquisition. Logan gathers Kendall and Roman aboard one of the family’s private jets and heads to England to do some damage control.

If you remember the season 1 finale, Kendall — high as a kite — drove a car and his English drug dealers into a lake where the kid drowned. Logan covered it up so the death wouldn’t hurt the family’s image, and he’s been using that as leverage against Kendall ever since.

Anyway, the kid’s parents want an apology from Logan because he yelled at the kid during Shiv’s wedding, and they think he drove his car into the lake on purpose to kill himself due to the verbal abuse from Logan. It’s a convoluted mess that Logan nips in the bud.

Succession 207 Shiv. Zach Dilgard:HBO

Meanwhile, Shiv, feeling her father is ducking her, follows the boys to England where she hopes to press him for one final answer on whether or not he’ll officially name her the new CEO of the company. There’s a catch, however, as the newly-fired Rhea Jarrell has latched onto Logan in an obvious effort to keep her CEO status at another company and joins him on the jet ride across the pond, poisoning the well for Shiv. Finally, Tom and Greg face internal inquiries into the shredded cruise ship documents.

“Return” seemed like a setup for the final three of the season. Let’s see who the winners and losers are.

Succession 2017 Greg and Tom. Zach Dilgard:HBO


  • Greg has a new haircut, new friends, and managed to salvage his leverage documents from Tom’s burn pit. I’m sure those few pages he saved will somehow come into play when Greg wants his next unearned promotion. Good on Greg, he’s a winner.
  • Logan makes the winner’s list because he squashed rumors about the boy drowning in England, kept his son Kendall mentally under his thumb, had sex with Rhea Jarrell (thank god they didn’t show that) and got his ex-wife to agree to support his bid to keep the company out of the hands of his enemies.
  • Roman had a good episode because he seemed like he might have been in the running for the CEO position for a moment. That’s it. Oh, and he didn’t get slapped by his dad again.
  • Rhea makes the winners list because she might have just slept her way to the CEO position in Waystar…and she just got fired from PMG.

HBO Succession S2 05.20.2019 Scotland S2 Ep 7 – INT CAROLINE’S HOUSE – KITCHEN / DINING ROOM A lovely family meal – and a deal. Sarah Snook, Kieran Culkin, Harriet Walter, Succession S2 | Sourdough Productions, LLC Silvercup Studios East – Annex 53-16 35th St., 4th FloorLong Island City, NY 11101 Office: 718-906-3332


  • Shiv and Tom as a couple make the losers list. Tom is losing his shit, y’all, and it’s kind of a glorious thing to watch. Now, he thinks he’s safe from the cruise ship fiasco and from Greg’s use of the documents, but that’s not so. As far as Shiv is concerned, she lost the CEO spot to Rhea…unofficially that is, as she had never been officially named. But hey, at least she sees Rhea for who she is now.

HBO Succession S2 05.20.2019 Scotland 207/ 48 – INT CAROLINE’S HOUSE – KITCHEN (D4N) Kendall tries to talk to Caroline – it will wait til morning. Jeremy Strong, Harriet Walter Succession S2 | Sourdough Productions, LLC Silvercup Studios East – Annex 53-16 35th St., 4th FloorLong Island City, NY 11101 Office: 718-906-3332

  • Kendall is a loser yet again. Guy is spiraling fast and I don’t know how he’ll ever recover, or if he even will. In this episode alone, Logan makes him face the parents of the kid he caused to drown, all the while not being able to admit what he did or apologize. He wanted to spill the beans to his mother, but she, as it turns out, is just as emotionally absent as his father. Kendall really has no one.

As setup episodes go, “Return” was fine, but it was easily the weakest of the season.

Episode Grade: C