The Mandalorian, the first-ever live-action Star Wars series, makes its highly-anticipated debut on Disney+ on November 12, the same day the platform goes live. Set after the fall of the Galactic Empire in Return of the Jedi, the show follows the titular bounty hunter (Pedro Pascal) as he plies his trade on the outskirts of the galaxy, and I really, really, really want to watch him do it.
So far, we’ve seen two trailers and a mess of posters promoting The Mandalorian, but Disney isn’t even close to done. Check out three new TV spots below, each of which has previously unseen footage:
That’s Werner Herzog as “the client” talking like he’s sizing the Mandalorian up. “Look outside, is the world more peaceful since the revolution?” he asks. “I see nothing but chaos. We must restore the natural order of things, don’t you agree?”
This next spot might, which features a masked character making armor, might be my favorite:
Also interesting is the show of Gina Carano’s character, Cara Dune, training a bunch of villagers in the art of combat. She’s a former Rebel shock trooper who became a mercenary after the war ended. Let’s hope her heart is still in the right place.
Finally, the newest spot features Julia Jones’ character, Omera. “This man is going to help protect us from the bad ones,” she tells her daughter.
Here, the armorer from the last spot is kneeling before an altar of sorts as a bunch of Stormtroopers surrounds him. And Omera attempts to remove the Mandalorian’s helmet. Do we ship it?

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As excited as I am for this show, I don’t know if I can handle any more new footage. Save something for the series! Although maybe Disney is being clever and half of this stuff didn’t make the final cut. Come on, November 12, hurry up and get here, already!
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