The 50 most iconic looks from Game of Thrones

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Dornish Prince (season 4)

Given his short tenure on Game of Thrones, Oberyn Martell left quite a mark on the series — and the same can be said for his memorable sense of fashion. When we first meet Oberyn, he’s wearing a piece that highlights his Dornish roots, which is fitting given his pride in his country and his dedication to avenging his people.

Oberyn arrives in King’s Landing intent on challenging the Lannisters and everything they stand for. His bright wardrobe, which is covered in sunbursts, draws attention to himself as well as to his crusade. The people of King’s Landing look down on the Dornish, and Oberyn’s costume is a statement, one that makes it known that he won’t be bullied into submission. He’s proud of where he comes from, and he’s happy to show it.

The clothing Oberyn wears also leaves him fairly exposed. Given that he’s in enemy territory, one would think he’d at least be wearing heavier attire, if not armor. It’s hard to say whether Oberyn’s willingness to leave himself vulnerable is another statement — he could probably still defeat many of the Lannister soldiers even dressed like this — or if it’s a sign of how accustomed to Dorne he is. After all, Oberyn prides himself on the idea that Dorne is a far safer and more welcoming place than King’s Landing. Also it’s warmer.