The 50 most iconic looks from Game of Thrones

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The Lion (season 4)

Say what you will about Joffrey, but you can’t deny that he wore some of the most fashionable pieces to appear in the series. His most stunning costume is the one he wears during the Purple Wedding, right before he meets his highly anticipated end. He might have gone out to cheers from the audience, but at least he went out in style.

During his wedding ceremonies, Joffrey wears a sweeping golden piece, embroidered with dulled red patterns that almost appear to be black. He looks kingly in the outfit — even if fans know he doesn’t exactly fit that description — and his Baratheon crown is prominent throughout the wedding sequence. The look is very fitting for a king about to enter into a political marriage, adorned with symbols of her house.

The dark sash Joffrey wears is also likely meant to be a symbol of power, but it’s interesting that he should wear such a dark color to his wedding. It’s almost as ominous as Robb wearing all black to the Red Wedding, and it leads to the same results. Perhaps Joffrey’s sash serves as a warning to the audience more than anything else. Not that anyone was mourning Joffrey.