The 50 most iconic looks from Game of Thrones

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Dark Sansa (season 5)

The “Dark Sansa” storyline toward the end of the fourth season and the beginning of the fifth is one that fans of the A Song of Ice and Fire books couldn’t wait for, and the series outdid itself with Sansa’s new look. Sansa dyes her hair black and chooses a darker style of clothing to pass as Littlefinger’s niece, but her costume is about far more than that. This dark shift represents a shift in Sansa’s storyline as well, one that transforms her from a naive, too-trusting girl into a cunning, politically savvy woman.

This “Dark Sansa” attire also builds a bridge between Sansa’s former costumes, which adhered to the feminine and flattering styles of the royal court in King’s Landing, to her later pieces, most of which cover her entirely and even begin to resemble armor.

Sansa’s scenes in the Vale are also the first time she wears her Needle necklace, an accessory that she continues to weave into many of her later-season outfits. Made from her sewing needles, the necklace contrasts with Arya’s needle sword — highlighting that Sansa is a fighter as much as her sister, even if her weapons are very different.