The 50 most iconic looks from Game of Thrones

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On the Road (season 5)

Jaime Lannister gets a few makeovers over the course of Game of Thrones, going from the golden-clad leader of the Kingsguard to a filthy prisoner and then back to a soldier. But one of Jaime’s most interesting looks is from his journey to Dorne, when he and Bronn attempt to bring Myrcella back to King’s Landing.

Despite wanting to be during his mission, Jaime’s costume is anything but. He might as well put a sign on that reads “I’m a Lannister.” It’s really no wonder the two of them were caught almost immediately.

Jaime’s costume consists primarily of a red leather jacket, a golden tunic, and brown pants. The red and gold combination alone is a giveaway that he’s a Lannister, but we suppose that Tywin’s children have always had a hard time covering up their house pride — and as Cersei says, Jaime is probably the “stupidest Lannister.”

Apart from the obvious Lannister colors, Jaime’s outfit is practical for someone traveling. It seems flexible enough to handle any situation, whether it’s traveling over arid terrain or scrapping when a fight inevitably breaks out. But really, I don’t know who he’s going to pretend to be once someone notices his golden hand.