The 50 most iconic looks from Game of Thrones

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The Prince (season 5)

Myrcella’s betrothed, Prince Trystane, doesn’t last very long, which is a shame since he seems like a more-or-less decent person, a rarity on Game of Thrones. When we first see them, he and the Lannister princess are clearly enamored with one another. Trystane’s love for his bride-to-be is communicated in part through his wardrobe.

When discussing Margaery’s wedding gown, we talked about how her dress highlighted the fact that she didn’t belong to Joffrey in any way. Trystane’s costume here says something else. The pink and gold color combination implies that Myrcella has completely won him over.

Of course, Trystane doesn’t completely abandon his Dornish roots. His sword features a snake protruding from the hilt, and he wears chains fastened with a sun medallion across his waist. These are both familiar Dornish symbols.

Also noteworthy is that Trystane wears his tunic open to reveal his chest, a sign that he doesn’t feel threatened enough to cover himself or wear protective gear. He trusts those surrounding him at the Dornish court, a sentiment that makes sense given Oberyn’s frequent tirades about how safe Dorne is — but also one that gets him killed by his own family members in the end.