The 50 most iconic looks from Game of Thrones

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The Princess (season 5)

Trystane’s wardrobe is a reflection of how taken he is with his fiancé. Myrcella is taken with him as well, although she doesn’t show it quite as obviously in her wardrobe. The pinks and yellows she’s seen wearing throughout season 5 do show that she’s taken to the lighter, more pastel colors of the Dornish court, but they’re also just lighter shades of her Lannister colors, red and gold.

Through her colors, Myrcella is able to represent her house without being too blunt about it. After all, the Dornish wouldn’t take well to her displaying the Lannister sigil in their midst after the incident with Oberyn. But in this subtle way, Myrcella maintains her ties to home, even as she adapts to her new life in Dorne.

The babydoll style of the dress is also worth noting, as it shows that Myrcella’s fashion choices are still influenced by the court at King’s Landing. The dress seems out of place among the Dornish court, but a more severe version of it might be in Cersei’s closet.

The babydoll look also highlights Myrcella’s innocence. Unlike someone like Sansa, Mrycella didn’t have enough time to learn to the play the game of thrones before she was taken off the board.