The 50 most iconic looks from Game of Thrones

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The Children (season 6)

Let’s be honest: the Children of the Forest are among the most impressive-looking people on the show based on their makeup alone. Like the White Walkers, the Children are designed to look both otherworldly and like a part of nature — a balance that the makeup and costume designers strike quite nicely.

It’s clear that the Children’s skin is meant to look like that of a tree, with brown swirls resembling the texture of bark lining their arms and legs. They’ve also got branches and leaves lining their bodies. It’s difficult to tell what’s costume and what’s paint, and that’s likely the point.

The green face and unnaturally large eyes are also probably intended to make the Children look more mythical than human — and if that is the intended effect, it certainly works. Though the Children have human attributes, the makeup remind us that they’re something else entirely — lest we forget and begin to trust or predict them.