The 50 most iconic looks from Game of Thrones

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Tyrion’s Meereenese Look (season 6)

Tyrion seems to have a thing for vests — no matter where he is in the world, he manages to find oneAnd the outfits Tyrion wears during his time in Meereen are probably the most interesting ones he dons throughout the series. Prior to joining Dany’s cause, he mostly just wears his Lannister colors, and later he’s nearly always seen in all black.

But his attire across the Narrow Sea is far more colorful than anything he wore in King’s Landing, not to mention intricately patterned. Just look at the boxed pattern and light colors of the vest he’s wearing in the picture above.

As a dwarf, Tyrion stands out wherever he goes, but he also manages to blend in several different cultural milieus, embracing the accepted fashion of the environment in order to play the diplomat more effectively. When politically maneuvering for his family, Tyrion sported his Lannister colors with pride, presenting a front of unity even if the family was tearing itself apart behind the scenes. When he’s representing Dany in Meereen, he matches the styles of the Meereenese nobles, and then shifts to dark colors when attempting to persuade the Northerners to fight for Dany’s cause.