The 50 most iconic looks from Game of Thrones

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The Mad Queen (season 8)

Dany’s Mad Queen storyline was divisive to say the least, but whether you loved or hated where her character went, you have to admit that her costumes were well chosen. And in those final moments, right before Dany takes that last leap into madness, her attire perfectly captures all that’s going on inside her head.

To start with, she’s wearing her House Targaryen colors — fitting given that she’s about to show King’s Landing just how much of a Targaryen she truly is. They’ve woken the dragon, visually represented not only by the red-and-black color scheme but also by the dragon scale design on her black coat. It’s a fitting pattern for her to wear during “The Bells,” and it also suits her well during the speech she gives in series finale, when Drogon’s wings appear as though they’re actually hers.

The red cape she wears is also fastened with a chain embellished with three dragon heads. It’s reminiscent of the dragon brooch Missandei wore prior to her death, and serves as a reminder that Dany used to have two more dragons. The loss of her children is one of the main drivers behind her descent into darkness, so it makes sense they’d be a part of her costume during the moment she finally snaps.

The three dragon heads could also be a reference to the novels. “The three heads of the dragon” is a crucial part of the prophecy Dany hears in the House of the Undying in A Clash of Kings. Dany believed herself to be the fulfillment of this prophecy, purifying the world even if it meant burning it down.