Arrow–Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW
Alright, Arrowverse fans, we have finally arrived at the moment we’ve been waiting for since we found out about this crossover last year. We’ve seen and read promos, pictures, press releases, interviews, and everything in between. It’s finally time…for Crisis on Infinite Earths.
This week’s batch of Arrowverse episodes are mediocre for the most part, but The Flash and Arrow do a marvelous job of leading us into the crossover. I’m a bit disappointed with the lack of connection in Batwoman and Black Lightning, but it is what it is. I think Arrow and The Flash and to some extent Supergirl more than make up for it, so I’m happy.
Heading into next week, we have to start preparing ourselves for what awaits. We know we’re losing Oliver, but will we lose anyone else? Please don’t let that happen!
I’m not ready. Here we go.