With less than two weeks to go until Netflix drops the first season of The Witcher, showrunner Lauren Hissrich is speaking up about how much she enjoys talking directly to the fanbase, which she does a lot on her Twitter. The Witcher is one of those series with an incredible amount of nuance to every tiny detail about the world and characters, so it should come as no surprise that the fans are Game of Thrones-level passionate (and protective). Speaking to British magazine SciFiNow, Hissrich seems to be embracing that.
"I love interacting with fans; probably a bit too much for everyone’s taste around here. There’s nothing more that I love than getting on Twitter and talking directly to the fan base. I really wanted to access their enthusiasm and their excitement for this. I think a lot of people see really rabid fan bases as enemies and in fact I think that these are the people who love The Witcher, these are the people who I really want to take their enthusiasm and grow their enthusiasm and learn from their enthusiasm."
Considering how often creators like George R.R. Martin and Patrick Rothfuss have referenced the difficulty of dealing with “rabid” fans, it’s refreshing to get a perspective like this.
Hissrich and her team have been absolutely killing it when it comes to promoting The Witcher. She’s been active on Twitter since it was announced she was the showrunner, and regularly talks with fans and teases details about the show and the creative process behind it, from her struggle with getting the characters just right to her visit with CD Projekt Red, the studio responsible for the smash hit Witcher video games.
Given that we already know The Witcher has been renewed for a second season, it seems we can rest easy knowing that the franchise is in the hands of a showrunner who values the input of the people who will be watching it. After all, there has to be something to learn from the fact that millions of people fell head-over-heels in love with this series, right?
But of course, the proof will have to be in the pudding. Netflix’s adaptation of The Witcher debuts on December 20. At that point, we’ll see whether the legions of fans who love Geralt and his companions will rejoice, or turn as rabid as a pack of nekkers.
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