The trailer for Wonder Woman 1984 dropped over the weekend, and while the film won’t hit the theaters until the summer of 2020, director Patty Jenkins about potential spinoffs. Speaking at this year’s Comic Con Experience in São Paulo, Brazil, Jenkins said she and star Gal Gadot were already working on a third Wonder Woman movie, as well as a spinoff featuring the Amazons of Themyscira.
“We actually already know the whole story to it,” Jenkins said of Wonder Woman 3. “It’s just a matter of, will we change our minds, and when [to make it]. I think what we don’t want to do is do it [and the spinoff] back to back. It’s been great doing these two movies back to back, but I think it’s important to give it a little rest in between.”
"And I like doing other things in between. And Gal has other things to do. I never want to make decisions too far in advance. We have to see if we both feel like making the movie we think we want to make when the moment comes."
As far as Wonder Woman 1984 goes, Jenkins says that the first cut of the movie came in at two hours and 45 minutes, although that’ll be cut down for theaters. “We’re not going to officially say [how long the movie is] yet, however it’s in a good territory.”
"It was interesting that so many scenes that we set out to shoot, then something great would happen and then we would expand upon it and definitely with the action, what some things that were written to be very small little moments turned into, ‘But that’s so awesome.’ It’s hard when you end up with that situation."
The Hollywood Reporter, which was there at CCXP, mentions that Cirque de Soleil was brought in to pull off some of the movie’s practical stunts. “We shut down Penn Ave. in Washington DC, which was just [by] itself incredible,” Gadot said. “And then we had wires, rigs, for kilometers, for miles, so I can run in the same speed that Usain Bolt ran in the Olympics.”
Gadot did many of her own stunts, even if it often ended in back pain. “[Jenkins] is one of my very best, closest friends and it’s hard for me to say no to her,” Gadot said. “Also, she has a great will. I’ll find myself trying to negotiate my stance with Patty and she’d be like, ‘yeah, yeah yeah, I see what you’re saying, I know, but don’t you think it’s going to be it’s so much better if…’ Those were the moments where I was like, ‘argh…!’”
"The physical moments, because it is hard, and I have found myself with many different spine injuries because shooting this movie, for real. But at the same time, it’s worth it. And watching the movie now a few times, it’s totally, totally worth it."
Wonder Woman 1984 hits theaters in July of 2020.
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