Palpatine, Snoke and Vader talk to Kylo Ren in new Rise of Skywalker teaser


Okay, Disney, we’ve had enough. You can stop showing new super-spoilery footage from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Just let us see the movie!

In this new clip, Kylo Ren approaches a planet covered in ice. Once on the surface, the ominous voice of Emperor Palpatine blooms onto the soundtrack. Check it out:

Honestly, this is probably the best teaser Disney has released for The Rise of Skywalker yet. What worries me is it feels like Palpatine’s role in the film is a red herring, I mean, why else show so much about the movie’s big bad if he isn’t part of some twist?

Anyway, the footage had some great images. At the start, it looked like Kylo was entering a Sith temple, complete with statues of Sith lords lining the walls:

And if you think you heard some familiar voices talking to Kylo Ren, then you’re right. Palpatine starts off the monologue. “At last,” he says. “My boy. I have been every voice.” The next voice is Supreme Leader Snoke’s: “You have ever heard.” And then, James Earl Jones takes over as Darth Vader to bring us home: “Inside your head.”

So has Palpatine literally been controlling Kylo his entire life, or is this more of a metaphorical voice in his head? Either way, I got chills.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters in seven days. Prepare accordingly.

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