Submit panel ideas for Con of Thrones 2020!

Con of Thrones is the world’s premiere Game of Thrones convention, featuring cast and crew from the show, a marketplace, cosplay galore, and more panels than you can shake Valyrian steel sword at. I’ve been every year and have had a blast every time. I’ve also been on a few panels, like this one where we talked about potential Game of Thrones spinoffs…only this was before HBO announced House of the Dragon so pretty much everything we said is now irrelevant. But still, fun!

The 2020 convention goes down on July 17-19 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Have an idea for a panel you’d like to run? Con of Thrones is now accepting submission!

There are no bad submission. Have a fan theory you want to explore? An angle on a character that no one has thought of yet? An academic paper on the place of Game of Thrones and/or A Song of Ice and Fire in the zeitgeist? Do you make your own Game of Thrones armor? Have a talent for cosplay you want to share with the world? An interpretative dance about Cersei? Anything goes. Make your pitch. Submissions will be accepted through April 28, 2020.

Con of Thrones is put on by Mischief Management in conjunction with Watchers on the Wall, which handles programming. Or if you just want to attend the con, you can book your tickets now! You can also follow Con of Thrones on follow Con of Thrones for updates at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Hope to see you there!

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