In 2017, Disney released Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and immediately, everyone agreed on what was the most important scene: the bit where Kylo Ren, apparently fresh from a workout, has a shirtless Force-Skype session with Rey.
As it does so well, the internet was quick to react, and thanks to a selfie and hashtag from singer/songwriter John Mayer, the #KyloRenChallenge quickly caught fire.
Fast-forward to now, and Ben Solo has sparked a whole new hashtag that, honestly, is better than the film from which it came. The #BenSoloChallenge is inspired by that great moment toward the end of The Rise of Skywalker when the newly redeemed Ben Solo, bereft of a light saber, reaches behind his back only to find that Rey has sent him his mom’s weapon via Force-mail.
Alright internet, what have you got?
First up, here’s what an age-appropriate Baby Yoda looks like doing the BSC:
People have used everything from their own collectible lightsabers…
…to everyday items like brooms:
Even the Dark Souls guy is getting in on it:
Points to this kid:
I snort-laughed at this one:
I need a minute.
Although, let it be known that Ben got his shrugging little half-bow from his dad:
In other Ben Solo-related news, Reddit has banded together to help raise an incredible amount of money for star Adam Driver’s charity, Arts in the Armed Forces.
The current total of the GoFundMe drive is nearing $70,000 and will be open for another week, so you have just enough time to chip in if you so wish.
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